Below is a handy list of the main telephone contact details of some of the major utility companies operating in the UK. Underneath that is a list of helpful contact numbers for customers who are experiencing difficulties paying their bills due to lack of money or ill health. Lastly we have provided a list of some of the major utility bodies that manage the energy industry in the UK. For each of these companies we have also provided a page with comprehensive contact details.
Utility Companies
Company | Contact Number | Company Contact Profile |
British Gas | 0800 048 0202 | British Gas Profile |
E.on | 0345 303 3040 | E.on Company Profile |
Npower | 0800 073 3000 | Npower Company Profile |
SSE | 0345 026 2658 | SSE Company Profile |
Support with bills and managing your account
Below is a list of some companies, charities and government bodies that offer assistance to customers who are disabled, elderly or suffering financial hardship that is making it difficult for them to pay their bills. Many of the major utility companies also offer grants to families that are going through exceptional hardship or financial difficulties. You will notice on the list below that many of the major utility companies have the same phone number listed next to their hardship funds. This is because they have chosen to allow their charitable to be managed by a charity called Charis who aim to alleviate debt among the poor and disadvantaged members of society by offering grants and offering debt advice.
British Gas Energy Trust – 01733 421 060
EDF Energy trust – 01733 421 060
Npower Energy Fund – 01733 421 060
Scottish Power Hardship Fund – 0808 800 0128
SSE Southern Electric Priority Assistance Fund – 0800 072 8616
Priority Services Register SSE – 0800 622 838
Citizens Advice – Britain 0345 4040 506 / Northern Ireland 0300 123 6262
Ofgem – 020 7901 7000
Scope – 0808 800 3333
Report a Power Cut
Power Cut – 0800 3163 105 or 105