UK Coronavirus Helplines

By | March 12, 2020

The Coronavirus pandemic has created a lot of anxiety, panic and upheaval around the world. As the virus continues to spread the UK has made preparations to defend the people living within our borders. Because we are dealing with a highly contagious virus much of these support systems are not face-to-face, but rather over the phone. On this page we have collated some of the most important and useful telephone numbers that you can use to seek support, not matter your circumstance.

Some of these Coronavirus helpline numbers are run by the Government while others are managed by private and charity companies. They cover a range of circumstances from financial, to health.

Health Helplines

NHS – 111

If you find yourself suffering with symptoms such as a cough or a high temperature you should self-isolate as soon as possible. However, if you find yourself becoming considerably sicker  and are unable to manage your symptoms alone you can phone the 111 NHS helpline. They will be able to organise treatment for you or arrange for you to attend hospital. 

The NHS website advises that you do not attend your doctor’s surgery if you begin to display symptoms. If you need help or advice phone 111.

NHS Inform (for Scotland) – 0800 028 2816

If you are not displaying Coronavirus symptoms but have concerns about the effects the pandemic will have on your mental or physical health then phone 0800 028 2816. This helpline was set up for people in Scotland to get support and advice during this time of national health emergency.

Business Helplines

HMRC Coronavirus Helpline – 0800 0159 559

The HMRC has opened a new Coronavirus helpline, the number is 0800 0159 559. This number can be used by business owners who are struggling to pay their taxes due to circumstances created by the Coronavirus outbreak. You can request a new timeline for your tax payment or ask for a deferment of payment. The line is manned by 2000 HMRC support staff.

Scottish Business Coronavirus Helpline – 0300 303 0660

A new helpline for Scottish businesses effected by the Coronavirus outbreak has been opened in then Scottish Enterprise Centre, Clydebank. The number is 0300 303 0660 and can be used for advice on managing staff during the crisis and how to continue doing business while the outbreak is still live. The helpline is open between 8.30 and 5.30 pm, Monday to Friday.

Education Helplines

Department for Education Coronavirus Helpline

At the start of March 2020 the Department for Education opened a Coronavirus helpline for schools, pupils and parent to phone with their concerns about the Coronavirus. This telephone number is 0800 046 8687. 

Parents can use the number if they need guidance on their child’s education in light of the Coronavirus outbreak. For example if your child has come into contact with a suspected Coronavirus sufferer you can ring this number for advice on whether it is a good idea to send them to school. Students can also phone the DfE Coronavirus Helpline if they have any concerns or need support.

The number can also be used by colleges and other further and higher education providers to get advice about how to deal with a Coronavirus outbreak. Similarly if you need advice on whether your institution should close on health grounds phone the DfE Coronavirus helpline on 0800 046 8687.

Coronavirus Immigration Helpline – 0800 678 1767

UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) have a new helpline which has been set up to support foreign students in the UK who are effected by travel bans and other policies brought on by the Coronavirus outbreak. Lines for the Coronavirus Immigration helpline are open between 9 am and 5 pm. You can also email to Coronavirus Immigration Helpline team on:

UK Council for International Student Affairs

If you are an international student who has been affected by a travel ban then contact the UK Council for International Students Affairs on 0207 788 9214. This phone number can be used by any international student in the UK who is concerned about their circumstances or needs support as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak. If calling this number from abroad dial +44 207 788 9214. Lines are open between 1 and 4 pm Monday to Friday.

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