If symptoms such as shortness of breath, fever and coughing lead you to believe you may have contracted coronavirus then phone the HSE Coronavirus helpine on 1850 24 1850.
If you are in this position then do not attend a hospital or your GP, phone the Coronavirus helpline 1850 24 1850 or the emergency services on 112/999.
As an 1850 number calls to this line will be included in most mobile phone allowances.
HSE Coronavirus Helpline Ireland – 1850 24 1850
The Health Service Executive (HSE) is Ireland has set up a Coronavirus helpline for citizens to seek help and advice if they believe they may have been in contact with someone who has Covid-19. If you have been in a area where there has been an outbreak, such as Italy, you can phone this number to find out if you should self-isolate.
Currently there have been only two cases of Coronavirus in Ireland, but the HSE has comprehensive plans in place to deal with a substantial outbreak.