Contact J D Tipler in Portadown on 028 3833 9288 for restaurant bookings, opening hours enquiries, or to report an item of lost property.
Tipplers is a bar and restaurant in Portadown, Craigavon in Northern Ireland. They are located on the Killycomain Road. They have an excellent restaurant, specialising in grills and fish dishes. Customers can book a table at Tipplers over the phone on 028 3833 9288. You can also contact them about their re-opening hours and regulations after the 2020 lockdown.
J D Tipplers Takeaway Phone Number – 028 3833 9288
They also have a takeaway menu with deliveries. If you would like to book a takeaway or enquire about their menu then phone J. D. Tipler on 028 3833 9288