The UK mobile telephone number +447957463927 is the source of scam phishing texts (smishing) targeting UK residents. If you receive a communication from this number or any other that contains a link to then dismiss the text as a scam. Do not interact with the number or click on the link. Delete the text and block the number.
How does this scam work?
UK residents are sent a text out of the blue, claiming that a new payee has been added to their HSBC account. This is untrue and the message is not from HSBC. The scammers hope a proportion of HSBC bank members who are not aware of the scam may believe that the communication is genuine.
Potential victims are guided to link to a website called Security Report Payee. The text claims:
New Payee: Ms A Jennings has been added to your account. If this was not you, please visit Anyone who clicks on a link will be a step closer to becoming a victim of this scam.
The website is designed to look like the actual HSBC website, replete with login forms to add personal and banking information. Anyone who does input their bank details on Security Report Payee will become a victim of the scam. Their banking details will be used for the purposes of fraud.
What should I do if I am a Victim of this scam?
This scam targets vulnerable people and the scammers are criminals who should be reported to Action Fraud. You should also report this to HSBC using the email: