44 7961 413172

By | October 27, 2020

The UK mobile number +447961413172 is being used to send HSBC new payee scam text messages. If you get a fake HSBC text message that suggests a payment has been made to a new payee then report the message to hsbc@phishing.co.uk and delete and block the number.


HSBC New Payee Text Message

The text, above, is an example of the HSBC new payee text scam that has been doing the rounds in 2020. This scam begins with an unsolicited text to a UK mobile phone from a rather ordinary looking UK mobile phone number. However, these are actually spoof mobile phone numbers.

In the text above the mobile phone number is +447961413172. Sometimes the caller will even manage to spoof the caller ID as HSBC. However by looking closely at the domain name contained in the text message it is easy to identify the message as a HSBC scam text message.

The HSBC scam text from the number +447961413172 contains the following message: 

HSBC: a new payee request was created from an unrecognised device. You can authorise or cancel requests via: https://security.hsbc.unverified-payees(.)com/hsbc/

The link above is to a page called security unverified payees .com. This is clearly a scam page and is not the real HSBC website address: www.hsbc.co.uk

What is the link contained in this HSBC Scam text?

The page security.hsbc.unverified-payees was designed by scammers to look like the real HSBC website. In fact this page is a subdomain of the website unverified-payees(.)com. This website was only registered on the 25th October 2020, just two days before the text was sent from +447961413172. The subdomain https://security.hsbc.unverified-payees(.)com/hsbc/ is just a folder of the main site, that includes security and HSBC at the start to add some apparent legitimacy to the scam domain.

HSBC scam website 


What should I do if I receive a fake HSBC text?

If you receive a scam HSBC new payee text then you can notify HSBC using the email address HSBC@phishing.co.uk

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