The telephone number 07723749687 is being used aspart of a HSBC Smishing scam
A smishing scam is where you receive an unsolicited text on your mobile, asking you to click on a malicious link. Victims who click on the link will be at risk of losing their personal details and bank details. Do not interact with any correspondence from the phone number 07723749687.
Below is an example of a Twitter user who received such a text:
Anyone banking with @HSBC_UK (I don’t) watch out for this text I just received
Forwarded to the Gov phishing number
— Gerald J Davies (@GerJDav) September 4, 2020
What should I do if I get a text from 07723749687
The most important thing is to make sure you don’t click on the link. Don’t phone the number back and do not text either. Instead you should report the number to