The phone number 01341725377 is being used by scammers trying to imitate HMRC. Please remember that generally HMRC do not phone customers, especially out of the blue. It is best that if you receive an unexpected call from this number, or any other, to not give out any personal details. Hang up and, if necessary, contact HMRC using any of their phone numbers.
What do I do if I receive a phone call from 0134725377?
If you receive a phone call from the scam number 0134725377 then it is best if you put the phone down immediately. Beyond that you can report to
If you have already provided personal details to a scammer calling from this number then you can report this to HMRC on:
If you are the victim of fraud due to a HMRC phone scam then you should report to the police using the contact details on the Action Fraud website.