The number 007-803-321-2130 appears as the telephone contact on a scam email imitating Netflix. Although this number is clearly not a UK number we advise customers against giving it a call to see if it is a genuine number.
Netflix Scam Email and Number 0078033212130
This scam email suggests users need to click on a link in order to update their billing information.
In fact this is a malicious link in which recipients will just be scammed and become victims of fraud. Underneath the link is the phone number. On the email the number appears as 007-803-321-2130. This number is provided as the number to use for any questions. If you would like the real Netflix phone number click here: Netflix Customer service UK.
Scam Number 007-803-321-2130
This scam number was reported on Twitter on the 25th December 2020. The Twitter user was also able to provide the IP address that this malicious communication came from, it is: And also the email address the communication came from:
Hello @ScammerRevolts
β RennieS (@Rennie_S9) September 25, 2020
I got this scam mail today.
Phone: 007-803-321-2130
I also managed to get their Ip address:
The mail: