The telephone number +44 7898 331283 was reported on the 3rd October 2020. It is in use by scammers who send a text containing a link to a malicious website designed to steal personal and banking information from UK citizens.
If you receive a communication from this number then do not click on any links or phone the number.
I don’t even have PayPal
— Anderson (@itbreathesart) October 3, 2020
What is this scam?
This scam tactic is called Smishing. This is a type of phishing in which the first communication between scammer and potential victim is a text. The second and dangerous communication starts if you click on the link to their website
This website was registered on the 3rd of October 2020. Doubtless if you clicked through the link you would find a site that is designed to look just like the real PayPal website. Of course you would be invited to log in using your PayPal banking details. These would then be used by the scammers to commit fraud against you.