Tag Archives: National insurance scam phone call;

+353 84 430 4559

The number +353 84 430 4559 is being used to make scam calls to mobile phones in the United Kingdom. Recipients of these dubious calls report being informed that their National Insurance number is about to be suspended. This is obviously nonsense and is a clear attempt from the scammer to exhort personal and banking… Read More »


The telephone number 07852665118 has been linked to several scam phone calls to UK residents. People who have received calls from this number have been told that their National Insurance number has been suspended. They are then asked to provide personal and even banking details in order to sort teh problem out. The number 07852665118… Read More »

07825 416419

The UK telephone number 07825 416419 is being used to make scam phone calls to UK residents. Members of the public have reported receiving automated phone calls from this number informing them that their National Insurance (NI) number had been suspended due to fraud. Scammers such as the ones using the number 07825 416419 usually… Read More »