07525 157307

The telephone number 07525 157307 is being used to make scam calls to the mobile phones of UK residents. If you get a call from the Number 07525 157307 then Hang up. Delete. Block.

Scam calls from the number 07525 157 307 fall under the National Insurance Number suspended category. Anyone who answers a call from this number will be  informed by an automated message that their NI number has been suspended due to unusual activity. Often these messages are given added urgency by the suggestion that a failure to act will result in arrest. They are then advised to press 1 in order to discuss matters further. Anyone who does press 1 will be connected with a scammer who will try any trick in the book to extract personal and bank information. Anything that is provided will be used to commit fraud. Protect yourself by not answering any calls from the number 07525 157307.