Anyone age 70 or above in Leicestershire or Rutland can phone the Leicestershire and Rutland Age UK Coronavirus Helpline on 0116 299 2239 for support and advice. Anyone needing help with self-isolating can phone this number to request supplies. For example, if you are following Government advice and staying home alone in self-isolation you can phone this Age UK Coronavirus helpline number if you need someone to pick you up some food or a medical prescription.
You can also use this number to get information about other support services in your local area. They can signpost you to charities in your local area as well as getting you in touch with community groups set up to support the elderly during this difficult time.
As well as practical support the elderly can phone the Age UK Leicestershire and Rutland Coronavirus Helpline for emotional support. For some the next 12 weeks will be a very lonely time and this line can be used to connect with a friendly voice on the other end of the phone.