842 22

By | September 25, 2020

The number 842 22 / 84222 was reported on the 25th September 2020. Numerous UK residents were being charged up to £30 after receiving unsolicited texts from this number. Each text received costs £1.

What Should I do if I receive messages from 84222?

Do not interact with it, other than to reply STOP. Report using the options at the bottom of this page. Do not phone the number provided on the message (0203 291 3904) as this may add insult to injury by connecting you with a premium-rate 09 line.

What is the number 84222?

It looks like some kind of text opt-in service, however the people who were receiving the texts reported that they had not signed up to any such service. Text messages from this number encourage people to enter some kind of competition on a scam website called freebee.eu/claim. They are encouraged to enter the code COFFEE when they do so. You will also be provided with the option to end this service, by replying STOP. The best thing to do beyond that is to block the number 84222 and then contact your provider.

The texts come in quick succession, with some people reporting receiving up to 15 in a row. It would seem that many people have been charged for these texts, even though they haven’t subscribed to them, or interacted with them.

How can I put in a complaint about this?

After replying STOP once Block the number 84222 and do not call the telephone number provided on the text. Contact your phone provider.

If you believe you have been the victim of fraud you can report this to the ICO. You may even decide to contact Action Fraud

Category: 8

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