Don’t answer any calls from the number +353 89 139 2968, because this number has been reported as a scam number. Several residents of the Republic of Ireland have reported these as tax authority scam calls. Therefore many people have asaid they have received calls from this number asking for personal and banking information. If… Read More »
The telephone number +353 89 139 2968 is being used to make scam calls in the Republic of Ireland. These PPS scams are an attempt to steal personal information and data for the purposes of committing fraud. If you get a phone call from +353 89 139 2968 you should not answer. If you have… Read More »
The Irish mobile telephone number 087 295 3542 is being used by scammers targeting citizens in the Republic of Ireland. Recipients of a message from this number report being left a message from the ‘Irish tax office.’ Of course this is not actually an official call, it is scammers trying to confuse people into handing… Read More »