Contact Petlog on 01296 336579
Petlog is the largest pet microchip database in the UK, holding the details for over 11 million pets. For dogs, microchipping was made compulsory in 2016. As a dog owner, you are now legally required to get your dog microchipped and ensure that the details contained on the microchip are up-to-date. If you have recently purchased a dog, there’s a good chance its details are held on the Petlog database. You can call 01296 336579 with you dog’s microchip number to find out. Alternatively you could use this page on their website to check if your dog is microchipped with Petlog.
If you do you plumb for the telephone option, then you can rest assured that this is not a premium rate number. 01296 is the geographic code for Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire. According to guidance on the GOV.UK website, geographic telephone numbers should cost up to 13p from a landline and 55p from a mobile.
Actual costs may vary so if you are unsure and concerned, do check with your telephone provider.
*Note the website quotes that the Petlog contact number is 0844 4633999. This is not the official contact number (01296 336579). Rather it is an 0844 number. The cost of calls to 0844 numbers is made up of two parts: the access charge and the service charge. The Ofcom website quotes the typical access charge for an 084 number between 0p and 7p. The service charge for an 084 number can vary greatly between phone providers. Therefore, the total cost of a call to an 084 number could far exceed your expectations and may be double the cost of the geographic contact number.
Dedicated Found line
If you have found a stray dog or any other stray microchipped pet, then you can call Petlog to find out if it is one of over 10 million pets held on the Petlog registry. Their dedicated found line for vetirinary professionals is 0870 606 6751.
If you are a member of the public who has found a stray pet, you can take the stray animal to your local vet, welfare centre or animal warden. Microchipped animals can be scanned by veterinary professionals to reveal the keeper and animal’s details.
If you have found a stray dog, then your local authority is responsible for dealing with stray dogs and employ a dog warden to do this. You can find your local dog warden by entering your post-code on this page on the GOV.UK website.
Reasons to phone Petlog
Compulsory dog microchipping also means compulsory up-dates to your details, should they change.

Source: Pixabay.
As a pet owner, it is important to remember the many situations in which you will need to contact your pet microchip provider or database company. This applies to you whether your pet is on whatever pet microchip database. These include:
- Providing your Vet code in order to obtain your microchip password.
- Registering your pet’s microchip.
- Obtaining your Vet Code if you don’t know it already.
- Updating your contact details, especially your address.
- Notifying the database of a change of ownership.
- Change of name
- problems with your online Petlog account.
- Your pet passed away.
Do I need Petlog Premium?
Petlog premium is the service that enables you unlimited detail up-dates for a one off fee. At the time of writing this costs £17. If you do not purchase Petlog premium, updating details such as keepership, telephone contact or address will cost you money each time you do it and is done via their 01296 336579 contact number. Many, people only consider ‘change of address’ . However, all details relating to you and your dog should be up-to-date. The Help Centre on the Petlog website (‘How Do I Update My Contact Detail?’) currently quotes this the ‘update’ admin fee as £10. This may increase in the future. As it stands, just 2 changes to you or your dog’s circumstances will cost you £20. In this case, Petlog Premium would have saved you £3. Call 01296 336579 to find out more.

This table was taken from the Petlog website:
Petlog Email Address and alternative contacts
If you prefer email and online means of communication to telephone contact, then you can email Petlog admin via
Petlog have a Facebook page which mainly features lost and found animals. You can message Petlog via this page. However, this page does advise that you call their general enquiry phone line: 01296 336579.
Petlog also have a twitter account which is no longer in use and also advises that you call the general enquiry line previously mentioned.
Who are Petlog?
Petlog is one of ten UK government approved animal microchip database and major provider of this service. Their website is: Their headquarters are located at:
4a Alton House Office Park,
Gatehouse Way,
Gatehouse Industrial Area,
HP19 8XU.
Petlog is run by the Kennel Club and is a not-for-profit organisation. All of the money raised by their microchipping and other services are ploughed back into the running of their database service
The Kennel Club Limited
Registered in England and Wales
Registration number 8217778
Registered office:
Clarges Street
Petlog Microchip Suppliers
Petlog register microchips made by a variety of different companies. They are therefore potential additional contacts if you have an animal on the Petlog registry that has a microchip from one of the following suppliers:
Supplier Contact Number | Email contact |
Bayer Tracer
0118 206 3000 | |
Biotype LTD
T/A PetDetect 01962 813 554 | |
+41 91 935 7470 | |
HDI Chip International
+31 (0)30 266 77 70 | |
01440 714490 | |
01279 507363 | |
01273 837676 | |
Vet Image Solutions
0208 432 9802 | |
Alternatives to Petlog
If you haven’t yet had your dog microchipped, then there are alternatives to Petlog, including Identibase (Anibase) and the following 8 companies:
- Animal Tracker
- MicroChip Central
- MicroDogID
- National Veterinary Data Service
- Pet Identity UK
- ProtectedPet
- Smartchip
- UK PETtrac
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