NI Scam Calls

On this page we provide details of National Insurance scam call numbers. Below we provide a table with the number reported, the date reported and the strategy employed by the scammers:

Telephone number Date reported  Scammers tactic
+353 84 430 4559
25/10/2021 Automated
07802 784547
07/07/2021 Automated scam call
07525 157307 06/07/2021 Automated scam call
07963734544 06/07/2021 Automated scam call
+44 7434 484833 06/07/2021 Automated scam call
07852 665118 17/06/2021 Automated scam call
15/04/2021 Automated scam call
07825 416419 15/04/2021 Automated scam call