CeX Birkenhead Telephone Number
Although a CeX Birkenhead telephone number is reported on other phone contact websites, we can assure you that CeX shops do not operate a customer service phone line.
If you would like information and advice on contacting CeX then use the following page: CeX contact. The best way to address difficulties with a faulty product is to go directly to the CeX Birkenhead shop and have it out with the customer service staff. I can only imagine they are used to it!
CeX Birkenhead
CeX Birkenhead is located within the Pyramids Shopping Centre near Birkenhead Market. Drivers should use the postcode CH41 2RL in their SatNav.
CeX Birkenhead Opening Hours
CeX Birkenhead is open between 9am and 5.30 pm Monday to Saturday and on Sunday between 10.30 and 4.30.
CeX Birkenhead Website
If you are unable to visit your local CeX store you also have options to buy products online. CeX operate an online store, on the website you can both buy and sell products. SHould you experience any difficulties with your purchase, or the delivery process you can contact CeX on their online form: WeBuy Support Ticket
You can also contact CeX online on their Facebook Page, which is operated by members of the CeX customer service team.