WWOP contact number: +92 515 170748

Contact the Women’s Welfare Organisation Poonch (WWOP) in Pakistan on the phone number +92 515 170748. You can also contact the team by emailing wwop@wwop.org.

The Women’s Welfare Organisation Poonch are a charity that offer support to the women of Pakistan. They were set up by a group of volunteers who hoped to provide assistance to women in the local area. The Poonch part of the name refers to a district in Rawalpindi where they have their headquarters. Although their work started off locally the team now support women across the whole of Pakistana..The WWOP work tirelessly to improve the welfare rights of women in Pakistan. These efforts cover areas such as education, employment and community, as well as law.

WWOP also provide projects and schemes in the area of sanitation, agriculture and finance. An example of this is  the Credit and Enterprise Development where small loans are offered to women to set up small enterprises or survive periods of economic hardship. Another area of interest is in providing assistance to disabled women looking to access education or employment.

WWOP Contact

If you would like to find out more then contact WWOP on +92 515 170748 or email wwop@wwop.org. You can also use the contact form on the company website or use the information on this page to donate

WWOP Address

The WWOP head office is located at the following address:

P.O. Paniola District Poonch

Tehsil Rawalakot, AJK