West Midland Safari & Leisure Park phone number: 01299 402114

Contact West Midland Safari & Leisure park on the number 01299 402114 for general enquiries or to find out about upcoming activities in the park. You can also contact the team by emailing info@wmsp.co.uk.

If you would like to purchase tickets you can do so on the West Midland Safari & Leisure Park website. Bookings need to be made in advance of your trip, unfortunately this can not be done over the phone.

West Midland Safari & Leisure Park (WMSP) are a home to over 165 of the worlds species, including some endangered species. Guests get to enjoy the tiger trail which includes an enclosure housing the rare Sumatran Tiger. In addition they have the African Walking Tour section with giraffes, elephants and rhinos. They also have a dinosaur section with full-scale replicas of some of the beasts that once roamed the earth.