Wai Yee Hong phone number: 0117 952 4240

Contact the customer service team at Wai Yee Hong by telephone on 0117 952 4250 regarding product enquiries, or to chase up delivery of an item purchased on the company website. You can also contact Wai Yee Hong by emailing info@waiyeehong.com.

Wai Yee Hong are a Chinese food wholesaler and online retailer based in Eastgate, Bristol. They sell a variety of teas, food products, alcoholic beverages and dried products imported from China. Customers can make both wholesale and small purchase in-store and online. If you have any questions about the products, or the delivery process then phone Wai Yee Hong on 0117 952 4250. You can also contact them by emailing info@waiyeehong.com.