Veteran Crisis Phone Number : 0808 1914 218

If you are an ex-military service personnel experiencing a mental health crisis then don’t hesitate to get support by phoning the Veteran Crisis Phone Number 0808 1914 218.

Veteran Crisis Phone Number – 0808 1914 218

This crisis helpline is open 0808 1914 218.

22 military veterans a day worldwide choose to end their own lives. In the UK this crisis is being tackled daily by the Veteran Crisis team who you can contact on 0808 1914 218. They will be able to provide immediate mental health support and advice on accessing housing, medical support and debt advice. The Veteran Crisis Phone Number is run by Veterans UK, a charity set up by the Ministry of Defence.

Veterans can phone this number if they experience a life crisis such as homelessness. The Veterans UK team will be able to put you in touch with support services in your area, including charities that provide specific to support to ex-military personnel. They will also be able to provide advice on accessing local services such as homeless shelters.

The phone line is manned by volunteers with training in how to support callers experiencing mental health difficulties. They will be able to help you get support if you are experiencing suicidal thought brought on by PTSD, or trauma. The first step in getting better is seeking support, so don’t hesitate to phone the Veterans Crisis Phone Number – 0808 1914 218.