TUI phone number UK: 0203 451 2688

On this page we provide the most important and up-to-date customer service number for TUI customers from the UK.

TUI Compensation request – 0203 451 2688

Phone the TUI on 0203 451 2688 to speak to after-sales support if you would like to complain about a flight, hotel or other aspect of your TUI trip. For example lead customers can phone this TUI UK phone number to request compenation on a delayed or cancelled flight. This number can also be used as a support line for those going through the process of making an application for compensation online. 

TUI Third Party Team UK number – 0203 451 2688

Use the TUI UK phone number 0203 451 2688 to discuss any issues with flights or other provisons provided by a third party. For example if you need 3rd party airline assistance then this is the best number to call for your request. TUI customers can also phone this number to request a full refund, if they are unhappy because a third-party airliner has changed their outbound or destination airport. 

TUI Away Team Number – +4433 33 365 147

If you are currently on your holiday and need to speak to a TUI rep then you should phone the TUI Away team number +4433 33 365 147. This number will connect you to a customer service representative who can provide support for any issues you are experiencing with your holiday. Customers can also phone the 24/7 TUI Holidayline Team number to report an accident or incident in a TUI report they are currently staying in. Phone +4433 33 365 147 to report any serios incidents or accidents.

TUI customers can also contact the customer service team by text on the number 80247.

TUI Luggage phone number –  0333 577 0300

Contact TUI on 0333 577 0300 to report a delay in your luggage, or to report a lost item of luggage. 

If an item has been lost for 6 days or more customers can call the TUI luggage phone number 0333 577 0300 to escalate the matter to the secondary tracing team. They will make a log of your case and start an investigation.

TUI travel money card contact – +44(0)203 1300 133 

TUI provide a dedicated phone line for enquiries relating to TUI travel money cards. Phone 0203 1300 133 if you are having trouble using your card, or locating the serial number. Customers can also call the TUI travel money card contact number for support with topping up a prepaid card on a mobile phone.