Ticketmaster Phone number: 0333 321 3117

Phone the Ticketmaster phone number 0333 321 3117 and press 1 for support with ticketing and online booking enquiries. 

Ticketmaster Booking Support number – 0333 321 3117

If you experience a difficulty with an online Ticketmaster booking, then phone the ticket support number 0333 321 3117 and press 1 for assistance. Remember you will need your order number to hand for the purposes of verification. 

Ticketmaster customers can phone this number to request a refund on cancelled events, or to request replacement tickets.

Several UK residents have recommended this Ticketmaster support number to help with ticketing issues that demand customer service support. For example if you have purchased ticket for a concert or an event online but they have not arrived on time, then phone 0333 321 3117 to chase them up. You can also phone this number if you experience a problem when you transfer tickets to a friend. 

Ticketmaster Complaints Number – 0333 321 3117

If you feel Ticketmaster have made a mistake that led to you missing your event, or you have experience an issue with your ticket then you should contact the customer service team. You can also contact Ticketmaster to complain if your ticket has been cancelled unexpectedly and you want to request a refund.