The Green Party Phone Number: +44 (0) 20 39619400

Phone the Green Party Head Office and membership number 0203 961 9400 regarding joining or for a general enquiry about Green Party policy.

The telephone number above will connect you with the Green Party head office at the Biscuit Factory on Clements Road, London.

The Green Party, often referred to as the Greens, are a British parliamentary party. Although they contested 474 seats in the last general election, they currently just have one MP in the House of Commons.

Jonathan Bartley Contact Details

Interested parties including journalists can also use this number to connect with the leaders of the Green Party: Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley. You can also contact Jonathan Bartley by email at

Jonathan Bartley’s Twitter account has almost 50,000 followers.

Sian Berry Twitter Account

Caroline Lucas’s Twitter Account has almost 10 times as many followers.