Thai Airways UK phone number: 0330 400 4022

The UK customer support numbers for Thai Airways are 0330 400 4022, and +44 (0)20 7491 7953. You can also contact Thai Airways by emailing

The Thai Airways reservation number is suitable for customers in the UK to speak to the customer service team regarding issues with online booking.

Thai Airways UK Ticket Office Number – 0330 400 4022

Contact thai Airways by telephone on 0330 400 4022 to modify a reservation on a flight from a UK airport. Similarly if you would like to claim a refund on a flight booked in the UK, then phone Thai Airways on this number to claim. For example if your connecting flights have been cancelled you should call Thai Airways using the ticket number 0330 400 4022, or the general customer service number +44 (0)20 7491 7953.

You can also phone the Thai Airways flight reservation number 0330 400 4022 to add excess baggage on an upcoming flight.