Tempest Photography phone number: 01736 751 555

Phone Tempest Photography on 01736 751 555 to amend an order or for payment enquiries regarding your child’s class or school photograph. You should also phone Tempest Photography on this number if there is an issue processing your order (Option 3). Remember when you call the number you will need your 10 digit image reference number.

Tempest Photography Payments line – 01736 751 555

The most common methof of payment for Tempest Photography class or school photographs is via a one-off bank transfer. Parents are given a form for providing the long number on their bank card as well as their expiry date and CV2 number. If there is an issue processing your card details for payment then your child will be given a form to return the payment. This form will say that it has not been possible for Tempest Photography to process your order. Parents will then need to phone the Tempest Photography customer care number 01736 751 555. Upon prompting choose the automated option 3 and a member of staff will be able to help you make your payment over the phone.