SRA Phone Number

If you are dissatisfied with the service you received from a law firm or individual solicitor then you can begin a complaint about your experience by phoning the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) on 0370 606 2555.

The SRA have their headquarters in the popular Cube building in Birmingham City Centre. Before you make a complaint about a law firm it is a good idea to phone the SRA phone number to check if they are the appropriate regulatory authority to deal with your complaint. 

If they are the correct body then you can fill in the report for that can be found on this page: SRA report form.



SRA Professional Ethics Phone Number

Solicitors who come across difficult ethical dilemmas in the course of their work can phone the SRA professional ethics phone number for help and advice. This line is run by and for solicitors to help them understand the code of practice they abide by and learn how to use this knowledge for ethical decision making.



SRA Red Alert Phone Number

This SRA phone number can be used to report fraud or suspicion of fraud. Given that fraud is a criminal offence solicitors are obliged to report any suspicion of fraud. The SRA red alert phone number is provided for this purpose.