The UK contact number for Shazan Foods is 01772 627701, this will connect you with their head office in Preston.
Shazan Foods Contact Number
Shazan Foods are a supplier of frozen and chilled Halal meat products to major supermarkets in the UK, including Tesco Morrison’s, Asda, and Sainsbury’s. Their products include uncooked lamb sausages, chicken breasts, and pre-seasoned whole chickens.
Phone Shazan Foods on 01772 627701 if you have purchased a product that you are not satisfied with.
Halal Suppliers
Customers can also contact the Shazan Foods to enquire about their Halal meat preparation procedures, or for supply enquiries.
Shazan Foods make donations of their foods to charities, phone Shazan Foods on 01772 627701 if you would like to request a donation.