Shaoxing B Heng Printing and Dyeing Company: +86 (0) 575 85627721

Contact Shaoxing Belle Heng Printing and Dyeing Company by telephone on the number +86 (0) 575 85627721, email, or fill in the contact us form on the company website

Shaoxing Belle Heng are a Chinese company located in the Keqiao Ma’an Street printing and dyeing Industrial park in Shaoxing City. This industrial park is just 25 kilometres from China Textile City. Shaoxing Belle Heng are  a printing and dyeing company that provide printing and dyeing services on items of clothing and fabric. If you would like to contact a Chinese company to provide dyeing services for your products then contact the team using the contact details at the top of this page.

Belle Heng have previously provided printing services for major international brands including George, the clothing brand of UK supermarket Asda. They provide printing services, including digital printing services, on cotton clothing products such as dresses, blouses, t-shirts and trousers.

Shaoxing Bai Le Heng Printing & Dyeing Address

Customers can contact Shaoxing Bai Le Heng by writing to the team at the following address:

Shaoxing Bai Le Heng Printing and Dyeing Company

No. 435 Qibin Road

Ma’an Street, Keqiao District

Shaoxing City
