Roger Godsiff: 0121 603 2299

If you would like to bring a matter in your local constituency to the attention of Roger Godsiff, the MP for Hall Green in Birmingham, then phone his constituency office on 0121 603 2299.

Roger Godsiff Surgery Phone Number: 0121 603 2299

Roger Godsiff is the Member of Parliament for Hall Green in Birmingham. The phone number above is for his constituency office and can be used to book a meeting with him at one of his weekly surgeries. This time can be used to bring a matter that effects your local area to his attention, whether this concerns crime, health education or any other aspect of local society.

The phone number 0121 603 2299 can also be used to register your dissatisfaction with a provision in Birmingham. For example you could phone the number to let Roger Godsiff know you are not happy with the lack of availability of prescription drugs in your area. Alternatively you can email a member of staff at his constituency office at:

Roger Godsiff House of Commons Number: 020 7219 2221

If your issue relates to a matter of national rather than local importance then you should contact his office in Westminster on 020 7219 5191. Alternatively you can contact Roger Godsiff by email on: