Contact Robbie toys on 01843 604448 to speak to a customer service representative regarding a missing part for your electric toy.
Robbie Toys are a UK ride-on toy manufacturer and distributor based in Kent. They provide a telephone support line for customers who have bought kids ride-on toys from a range of high street stores including Argos.
For example they provide after sales support and parts for purchasers of the Chad Valley Safari Jeep electric car for kids.
Therefore if you have bought one of these Chad Valley jeeps from Argos you should contact Robbie Toys on 01843 604448 if you have damaged or missing parts. You can also contact Robbie Toys on this number if you are no longer able to charge your vehicle or you need to buy a replacement part.
Phone Robbie Toys on the same number if you experience difficulties when assembling your product, a member of their customer service team will be able to asssist.