Rheinmettal phone number: +49 211 473 01

Contact German defence manufacturer Rheinmettal at their offices in Dusseldorf by calling the telephone number +49 211 473 01.

A German weapons producer that have been in operation since 1889 Rheinmettal specialise in military vehicles such as tanks, but also produce military parts and arms. Notably they are the maker of the Leopard 2, which has been used in several recent conflicts around the globe. Rheinmettal sell their armoury including tankls and artillery to countries aroun dthe globe including Brazil, Egypt, Singapore and Switzerland.

Rheinmettal Address

You can also contact Rheinmettal by sending them a letter at the following address:

Rheinmetall Platz 1

40476 Düsseldorf 

Postfach 10 42 61

40033 Düsseldorf