Refresh Vending: 0121 788 4521

Contact Refresh Vending on 0121 788 4521

If you experience a technical problem with or want a refund from a Refresh Vending machine, then phone the company on 0121 788 4521, quoting the machine number.

Refresh Vending are a Birmingham-based vending machine company with head offices in the Coleshill area of the city. They supply institutions such as colleges in the West Midlands and further afield with vending machines. Most of their vending machines are for hot drinks such as coffee, tea and hot chocolate. If you have purchased a product that you are not satisfied with, would like a refund, or want to report a fault with a machine then contact Refresh vending on 0121 788 4521. Alternatively you can contact them using the email address below.

Refresh Vending Email

Refresh Vending also operate an email address which is manned at their Coleshill Head Office. You can contact them on 0121 233 9000 or by email on if you have a query about their services