Rangers FC charity number: 0141 5808775

Phone the Rangers Charity on 0141 5808775 to register your child for one of the community activities laid on by the charity arm of the football club. 

Rangers Charity Community Activities

Glasgow Rangers FC charity provide funding for and arrange a number of community-based activities in and around the Glasgow area. An example of this is the Blue all Over 5k run. FAns can enquire about their social and community activities by phoing the club on 0141 5808775, or emailing rangerscharity@rangers.co.uk 

Rangers Charity Children’s football sessions

Rangers FC offer a range of community based activities for children in the Glasgow area including autism-freindly football and visually-impaired football. The club work with schools in the Glasgow area such as Pirie park Primary to ensure that all children have the potential to take part in  football training sessions. If you are interested in registering the phone the club on 0141 5808775, or email rangerscharity@rangers.co.uk