The STD code for Rampura Phul is 01651 and this number will appear at the beginning of all telephone calls to and from this city in the Bathindra District of Punjab. Visitors to the city will need to use this local access code to contact hotels, restaurants or tourist attractions in advance of a visit.
The city is located to the west of Chandigarh and north of haryana.
Rampura Phul STD code from overseas – 1651
To phone Rampura Phul from abroad you will need to remove the zero from the Rampura STD code, replacing it with the +91 access code for India. Therefore to phone the Rampura Phul municipal council from abroad the number would be +91 1651 220116. Whereas to make the call from inside India the number, including the five digit STD code, would be 01651 220 116.
This 01651 STD code will also be necessary to dial the landlines of households among the 50,000 population who have a phone in their home.
In the table below we provide a guide to phoning a Rampura Phul landline telephone including a guide to how the STD code changes between calls from inside and outside of India.
India Code | STD code | Number | |
In India | 01651 | 00000 00000 | |
Overseas | +91 | 1651 | 00000 00000 |