The local-rate landline 01502 502900 has been tested on the 19/01/2019 and it connects to customer service at Pontins Pakefield.
This phone number is the best one to use to talk about a booking not only because it is a landline number but also because it will connect you directly with the team at Pontins Pakefield.
Pontins Pakefield Phone Number: 01502 502900
We strongly advise customers to avoid using the 0871 phone number that is advertised on the Pontins website. You will be charged 13 pence per minute to call this line, as well as add on fees as set by your phone provider. Instead you can phone Pontins Pakefield using their landline number 01502 502900. This is a local-rate number for Lowestoft where the Pakefield Pontins is located.
Pontins Pakefield Bookings
Use the Pontins Pakefield Phone Number 01502 502900 if you would like to make a booking for one of their regular theme evnts such as ‘psychic weekends’, 70s weekend, or Motown Nights. You can also use this number if you would like to book your attendance for their Turkey and Tinsel 2020 celebrations.
If you have already made a booking you can phone Pontins Pakefield number to make a special request or for queries about parking or dining options.