If your home is managed by Places for People, then contact them by phone on 01772 667002 to request a repair, report anti-social behaviour or to update your contact details. This Places for People telephone number is a local rate customer service number.
Places for People Telephone Number: 01772 667002
Lines to the Places for People phone number 01772 667002 are open Monday to Friday between 8am and 8pm. The phone number 01772 667002 can also be used as an out of hours emergency telephone number. If you have a serious issue with your property outside of the hours of 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday then you can report it using the same Places for People telephone number.
Examples of emergencies include electrical issues, gas leaks and loss of heating and water. If you are calling the Places for People contact number 01772 667002 outside of their normal working hours, you should press 2 to get put through to the emergency team.
Places for People Contact Number for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
If you have hearing problems you can phone Places for People on 07790 886 967 to receive extra support. This number can be used for repairs or to manage an account. You can also use this special Places for People number to make a payment. For people with hearing difficulties this is the best Places for People contact number.
Places for People Telephone Payments
Places for People customers can pay bills over the phone on 01772 667002. This phone number is in operation for payments between 8am and 8pm Monday to Friday. Customers can also use the Places for People customer service number to set up a direct debit.
Places for People Media Enquiries Number: 01772 897251
The Places for People telephone number for media enquiries is 01772 897251. This number can be used between 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Outside of these hours press enquiries can be made over the phone on 01772 667002.