The National Accident Helpline is a no win no fee accident claims helpline that can help you claim compensation for whiplash, car accidents, or criminal injury and also for accidents on the road, at work or in a public place. You can also phone this number if you would like to make an asbestos claim. Contact them on freephone 0800 456 1053 to find out if you can claim compensation for your injury.
National Accident Freephone Number: 0800 456 1053
This telephone line is open to calls between 8am and 9pm Monday to Friday, 9 till 6 on Saturdays and 9.30 to 5 on Sundays. When you phone you will be expected to summarise the events that led to your injury and also provide evidence or witness details. After all the information is gathered and assessed the National Accident Helpline will contact you to advise whether you have a case which is worth pursuing. If so they will connect you with a solicitor and give you advice on claiming legal aid if you qualify.
Asbestos Claims: 0800 456 1053
If you or someone you know suffer from asbestosis or mesothelioma doe to the inhalation of asbestos at work then you may be able to make a claim for compensation. One of the best ways to find out is to call the National Accident Helpline where a member os staff will be able to take the details of your condition, and reasons for claiming. They will then assess whether you have a reasonable case and if so will file your asbestos claim.
National Accident No win no fee claims calculator
The National Accident Helpline provide a free compensation claims calculator on their website which you can use to work out how much you may be paid if your accident claim is successful. This is a really easy to use tool that asks six questions including:
- Are you male or female
- Which part of your body was injured
- What is you salary
- How many weeks did you have off work as a result of your injury
Completion of these questions will lead to a calculation of how much accident compensation you could be due if you won your case. You will also be invited to fill in a call me back form where you just leave your name, and telephone number and they will call you back. Alternatively you can phone them on 0800 456 1053.
National Accident Helpline Address
1430 Montagu Court
Kettering Parkway
NN215 6XR