Mughalsarai STD Code: 05412

The STD code of the town of Mughalsarai in the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh is 05412. This STD code 05412 will appear at the front of phone calls from the town, in calls from abroad the STD code will be shortened to 5412 with the addition of the India Access code +91.

Mughalsarai STD Code – 05412

An example of the Mughalsarai STD code in use is in the telephone number of the GenX Plaza Hotel on GT Road. You can contact this hotel by telephone on +91 (0) 5412 241114.


Mughalsarai is a busy town with an iconic railway station that was built under British rule in the 1860s. The name of the railways station was recently changed from Mughalsarai Station to Deen Dayal Upadhyaya station, after the RSS leader.