Travelodge Morecambe Direct Number: 020 3195 4943

The direct number to speak to a member of staff at Travelodge Morecambe is 020 3195 4943. This number is an alternative to the expensive premium rate number that is advertised on the Travelodge website.

You can phone the Morecambe Travelodge team on 020 3195 4943 with any enquiries you may have after booking your room. If you are looking to book a room with Travelodge you can do so using the  freephone number, below.

Travelodge freephone booking number – 0800 408 0797

Make a booking at the Morecamble Travelodge by phoning freephone 0800 408 0797. This is a free number that can be used by members of the general public to book a room. Travelodge business account holders can also use this number to make a reservation.

Morecambe Travelodge Location

The Travelodge Morecambe hotel is located in the Arndale Shopping Centre on Eustace Road. It has 60 rooms.