Mega Oriental phone number: 0116 367 1960

Contact Mega Oriental by telephone on their Leicester number 0116 367 1960, or connect with them on their WeChat: megaoriental

Mega Oriental are a Chinese supermarket located on the London Road in Leicester. They stock a wide range of Chinese teas, foods and drinks. They also sell kitchen and other household utensils, as well as Chinese vape and other smoking replacement products.

You can also visit the company website to make an online purchase. Be aware, though, that Mega Oriental only deliver within the Leicester area. For orders over £20 there will be no delivery fee, but if the order is below £20 a £1 fee will be added to the price. Mega Oriental orders made before 6.30pm will be dispatched on the same day from 7pm onwards. If you need to contact Mega Oriental concerning an order then make sure you have your order number to hand before you dial 0116 367 1960. You can also contact the team by WeChat on Megaoriental.

Mega Oriental Address

Mega Oriental are located at the following address in Leicester:

Mega Oriental

100 London Road