MacInnes Whisky Cask Investment phone number

Phone 0207 100 7321 to find out about opportunities to invest in a cask of the finest MacInnes Whisky. Lines to this number, open Monday to Friday between 8.30 and 5.30pm, will connect you with the MacInnes Whisky Investment team at their offices in Mayfair. You can also connect with the Norwich offices on the number 01603 537636.

A typical price for a investing in a small cask of this whisky is £3500. The cask will be kept in a warehouse, but the returns are about 12% per year, and you have extra benefits like the option of joining the cask-owning club.

MacInnes Whisky Customer Service Number

Customers that have already purchased a cask can phone the 0207 100 7321 MacInnes number to get support regarding their product. This customer service number can also be used to arrange sale of your cask or to make a new investment.