Luas Customer Service number: 0818 300 604

A new customer service number for the Luas, a light rail system covering Dublin, was introduced on the 31st December 2021: 0818 300 604. Phone this number for route enquiries, customer service support, or to report an item of lost property.

The two Luas lines provide a great means of transport for visitors and residents of Dublin to get around the city. The Green Line stretches from Broombridge in the North of the City to Brides Glen in the South. Meanwhile the Red Luas Line runs from Saggart in the West to the Point theatre. Most major streets in the centre, such as O’Connell, Harcourt, and Parnell are visited by the Luas daily. If you have any queries about Luas routes or need help planning your journey then phone the Luas customer service number 0818 300 604.

Luas Dublin Complaints Contact  – 0818 300 604

If you have had an unsatisfactory experience or have a complaint about a Luas trip then you can report on the Luas Complaints phone line 0818 300 604. You can also report your complaint by emailing:

Luas Report Anti-social behaviour – Text 51444

If you observe or are the victim of an assault or threatening behaviour on the Luas then you can report by text to 51444.  Text the word ‘LUAS’, followed by the tram no and or location, to 51444, including a brief description of the incident. Remember to include the time in your report.