Liverpool FC Retail phone number: +44 (0) 151 907 9500

LFC retail customers can phone the Liverpool FC retail number +44 (0) 151 907 9500 should they receive a product that they are dissatisfied with. This phone number will connect to the LFC retail team who can support with returns, refunds and delivery enquiries. From the UK dial 0151 907 9500.

LFC Retail Phone: 0151 907 9500

Phone Liverpool FC retail on 0151 907 9500 for enquiries relating to purchases from Liverpool FC retail. Fans can also access information about the Online Retail store on the LFC website.

Supporters should phone the Liverpool FC retails number to complain if a product arrives in a less than satisfactory condition. The customer service staff on this LFC number will also field enquiries relating to delivery times and courier details.