Contact the Lebara customer support team on 0207 031 0791 or 5588 from a mobile phone using a Lebara SIM.

Photo for Lebara Contact Number page source Pixabay website
Lebara Company Details
Lebara are a mobile phone company that sells SIM cards that can be put in your phone to make cheaper international calls from the UK. You can also buy a Lebara SIMs that are suitable for use when you are abroad. Some people choose to buy Lebara SIM cards on a bundle package that combine a certain amount of minutes for calls within the UK with a set amount of minutes for international phone calls. If you would like more information on Lebara mobile or Lebara international call packages then phone the company on 0207 031 0791.
An interesting fact about Lebara: The company have a charitable arm called the Lebara Foundation which is registered as a charity in the UK. Their aim is to support vulnerable children across the globe. You can see an example of a recent Lebara Foundation financial report her: Lebara Foundation return to the Charity Commission
Lebara Customer Service
The Lebara customer service number is 0207 031 0791, if calling from a phone using a Lebara Sim you should phone 5588 as thus call will be included in your call package. There is not a Lebara customer service free phone number, but calls to 5588 from your Lebara mobile service will cost just 19 pence per call no matter how long you are on the phone for.
Lebara Technical Support
The technical support number is the same as the customer support number: 0207 031 0791, or 5588 if calling from a Lebara SIM. It can be used to request technical support with setting up a top up voucher or online SIM.
You can also request technical support using the Lebara customer care email: Or you can make a support request on their website.
Lebara Complaints Number
Complaints to Lebara can be made over the phone on 0207 031 0791 (or 5588 – from a Lebara SIM). Your complaint will be logged with a customer service representative and they will do their best to resolve your issue. If they are unable or unwilling to do this you should phone them back on the same number and request to speak to a manager. The manager will have three days to resolve the dispute and if they are unable to do this within the time frame then you can take the matter up with the Communications Ombudsman on 0330 440 1614.