Phone the Kleeneze contact number on 0800 781 0637 or for enquiries about joining the company.
Kleenze are a product distribution company offering franchise packages to independent workers. As part of the franchise package they offer multiple sales brochures and catalogues which you can then distribute in your local area. After you have delivered your brochures the people get to look at the brochures and decide if they want to buy anything. You can then phone Kleeneze or send your order online and Kleeneze will deliver the products to you and you in turn take it to the customers.
If you are interested in this type of work then phone the Kleeneze contact number on 0800 781 0637 or mobile 07865 496124.
Kleeneze Contact Email
If you would rather contact Kleeneze by email then the address is:
The Kleeneze brand began in Hanham, Bristol in the 1920s and operated out of Bristol for almost a hundred years until they moved to Hnydburn, Lancashire in 2016.
In 2018 the firm went into administration, but still operate under FRP Advisory.