Irish Tax Rebates phone number: +353 (0) 59 863 4794

From Ireland you can contact Irish Tax Rebates using the number 059 863 4794, or if calling from abroad dial +353 59 863 4794. You can also contact the team regarding a tax rebate by emailing the team on

The popular Irish Tax Rebates website is managed by MB TAX Refunds, a limited company registered at 1 Leinster Street, Athy, County Kildare.  The company can check your company accounts against tax paid over the last three years to see if you may be entitled to a refund. To get the ball rolling simply visit the Irish Tax Rebates website and fill in their online application form. If you have any questions or get stuch you can phone Irish Tax Rebates on the number 059 863 4794.

Irish Tax Rebates customer service number – 059 8632443

Irish Tax Rebates customers can get support by phoning the customer service number 059 8632443, or by emailing Customers can use this number or the email to provide information relevant to a rebate calculation, to discuss renewal of their services or to cancel an arrangement.