Hisense Contact Number UK: 0113 395 6930

The Hisense customer service number in the UK is 0113 395 6930.

If your enquiry is about sales then phone the the Hisense UK contact number 0113 395 6930. This number is also suitable for enquiries about warranty on a product purchased in the UK. You can also use this number for advice on product repairs. If you would prefer to email Hisense with your enquiry then please use the address: sales@hisense.co.uk

Hisense Product support line – 0330 800 2200

For technical problems with a Hisense product phone the Hisense support line 0330 800 2200. For example if a Hisense TV or white good you have purchased breaks down shortly after purchase then phone Hisense on 0330 800 2200 for technical support. 

Similarly if you are unable to access a feature, setting, or channel on a Hisense TV that you have bought in the UK then either email service@hisense.co.uk, or call 0330 800 2200.