Helen McEntee Phone Number – 046 925 2955

Contact Helen McEntee by telephone at her Meath-east constituency on 046 925 2955. You can also speak to Helen McEntee using her Oireachtas number 1890 221 227. If calling from outside of the Republic of Ireland you should use the number +353 1 602 8202.

Helen McEntee Constituency Office Phone Number – 046 925 2955

Helen McEntee is the TD for Meath East, therefore if you are calling her about a local constituency issue then phone 046 925 2955. For example you can phone her on this number to report a local issue with water, energy, or transport in her Meath East constituency.

You can also contact Helen McEntee’s constituency office by telephone if you are having problems registering to vote. Similarly phone her office on 046 925 2955 if you need additional support on voting day.

Helen McEntee Minister for Justice & Equality – +353 1 602 8202

Or, if your issue concerns her role as the Minister for Justice and Equality in Ireland then you should use the number +353 1 602 8202, or 1890 221 227. For example if you are looking for a phone number to speak to Helen McEntee about the controversial Direct Provision policy then you should choose one of these numbers. Each of these numbers will connect you with the Department of Justice and Equality.

You can also contact Helen McEntee at her Oireachtas offices by emailing: helen.mcentee@oireachtas.ie